“The Shed Place”  
Soldering Station
(Scroll Down for Images)

Another project on the horizon, or maybe better put: another problem to solve, was to house my soldering irons in a place that is easy to access, while remaining out of the way. I use the irons enough to warrant them being permanently on display. With the design criteria set it was time to get to work. Not much explanation is required as the photos tell the story, but I should add that the project went through two iterations. Version 1 had the controllers sitting in the middle of the station with the wires hanging down. This proved to be very impracticable and was difficult as the iron's cables were consistently catching on anything close by, and having the effect of shortening the cables. So I ripped apart Version 1 and built Version 2. This involved a bit of work as I had to move the shelves and change the wiring etc. I'm happy I made the effort as Version 2 is much easier to use. The stations power and a desk lamp are switched via the line of red switches mounted in an instrument case under one of the shelves. This was needed as the power switch for two of the controllers is mounted on the rear of the case and is very inaccessible.